Erik van Lennep

Hey there! I am Erik.

I train, consult and coach on topics around Sustainable Innovation. I also host the Designers of Paradise podcast on regenerative culture. I can help you design and align your sustainability projects and team for optimum impact.

I started this blog as a toolbox of ideas I feel are important for the ‘Re’ agenda of our times: Rethinking, Reconnection, Regeneration and Renewal.

Let’s chat via Twitter or LinkedIn

Blog posts:


December 31, 2019


Coming of Age in the Industrialized World

December 12, 2019

For youth in our globalised society, there is a profound vacuum which becomes painfully apparent as they approach adolescence.

Destinatination: Home

December 12, 2019

This is one of what I hope will be a series of posts on the concepts of mapping. Maps fascinate and stimulate because they address such…

Myco-filiation: partnering with mushrooms

December 12, 2019

![](/home/erik/Pictures/Podcast pics/King_Stropharia.jpg) I'm thinking I might have just coined a new term. But then again, maybe not. There…

Growing with Intention

December 10, 2019

How much of the torn ecological net could we stitch back together?